World's NO.1 Picosecond aesthetic laser

What is PicoSure®️

The first and leading choice for comfortable and convenient tattoo removal and skin revitalization treatments for wrinkles, acne scars and pigment like freckles, sunspots and discoloration.

PicoSure is the first of a new generation of aesthetic lasers that don’t rely solely on heat to burn or melt away unwanted tattoo ink or melanin, the pigment that causes dark spots in your skin.

Instead of building up heat, PicoSure delivers energy so rapidly (in trillionths of a second) that tiny particles that make up pigment and tattoo ink vibrate and shatter, without burning surrounding tissue. Less heat means less tissue damage and discomfort.

Even more impressively, PicoSure’s revolutionary technology is designed to harness the body’s natural healing processes to restore youthful skin in ways never before possible. Using proprietary Focus lens technology, PicoSure effectively converts the laser energy into gentle pressure waves that activate Cell Signaling, the body’s natural communication processes and one of the most exciting medical discoveries in recent history.

*PicoSure is FDA cleared and TGA listed for the removal
of pigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles and acne scars – making it the treatment of choice!

Groundbreaking innovation. Unique technology.

Creating an intense photothermal impact in trillionths of a second, PicoSure’s advanced technology spares the skin high thermal damage and targets the chromophore for better clearance in fewer treatments.

  • Optimally targets melanin to treat a range of pigmentary conditions
  • Incurs minimal thermal damage due to picosecond pulse duration
  • Customizable treatments with 2-6mm, 8mm, and 10mm spot sizes
  • Proven clinical validation, with 26 publications and 59 abstracts to date





Focus Lens Array: A revolution in skin revitalization

Cynosure’s Focus Lens Array creates microscopic, photomechanical reactions in the epidermis that communicate with the dermis, leading to increased collagen and elastin in the skin. This breakthrough enables skin revitalization with virtually no downtime—only with our PicoSure laser.